序号 | 论文名称 | 发表日期 |
1 |
| 2022.1 |
2 | | 2022.1 |
3 |
| 2022.2 |
4 | | 2022.2 |
5 |
| 2022.3 |
6 |
| 2022.3 |
7 |
| 2022.3 |
8 | 2022.3 | |
9 | 纳秒激光制备Fe基非晶合金涂层表面织构的疏水性研究 | 2022.3 |
10 | HVOF sprayed WC-10Co4Cr coatings on AISI 4135 steel substrate: tensile and fatigue properties | 2022.3 |
11 | | 2022.4 |
12 | | 2022.4 |
13 | | 2022.5 |
14 | | 2022.5 |
15 | | 2022.5 |
16 | | 2022.6 |
17 | Self-lubricationand tribological properties of SBA-15 assmart microcontainer and resin composites | 2022.7 |
18 | Research onpolyamide based self-lubricatingcomposites: a review | 2022.7 |